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Recipes & News Updates


Goodbye 2024 & hello tasty recipes!

It’s been great but I’m ready to welcome 2025!

How has it been for you?  I seem to have had challenges galore, personal and for Myrtles – but I’m still here and ready to make a fresh year a new opportunity.

2024 – George left for University and is embracing his music career – now playing drums for 2 bands. Obviously I love his enthusiasm and see great things in his future.  

Sadly no mega holiday this year, but we did sneak in our annual theatre trip to London when we visited the Kitkat Club to see Cabaret. Goose pimples… amazing, and definitely made my top 3, even if we did have to queue in the rain.  

We also found a new front runner for our afternoon tea league table, Sketch. Wow factor!

Welcoming Nugget

Our new, highly entertaining Poochon puppy.  Still not too sure how it happened. Millie, my BF English Springer, still is yet to forgive me.  Her eyes say it all.

I met some new fabulous new friends on a course I went on for Myrtles. organised by a new soul sister, Belinda, from Branded and Unstoppable.

Living in such a small family, friendship Is one of THE most important things to me.  My friends have been and continue to be there for me at the best and the worst of times and I will never be able to find the words to say how much I appreciate them all. Skipping back to the course, I was sat next to a really clever lady, Alexis, a nutritionist who runs The Prior Clinic. She is now helping me so much with a few health issues – highly recommended. I call that serendipity!

Foodies Across the Pond

With my fabulous pal, Lisa in Seattle, US we published a further 52 newsletters full of recipes, hints, tips and chat. Find them all on Substack – there is a mass of fab’ recipes available for you to work from. 

Lisa has kindly offered to hold the fort for the next three months, so please support her and enjoy all of her wonderful recipes.

As an L.A Lady she sadly knows many that are being effected by the horrendous wild fires that are raging at the moment. My heart bleeds for all of those living with this spectre and Lisa’s attention is obviously focused on their welfare.

The Future

What does 2025 hold for Myrtles?  Unfortunately, I don’t have the answer yet.  I’ve made the humongous decision to take some time out for three months.  My health and my old croc’ of a back, have taken a bit of a battering in recent years, so this is going to be my priority.  To recover.  The time will offer the opportunity to plan my goals for 2025. 

I love …..

  • feeding people 
  • being creative 
  • helping & educating

So where I’ll be after months of re evaluating who knows? As soon as I know, you will know!  In the meantime, any online orders will be dispatched and I am sure that I will be popping up with the odd recipe or two.

I am a little late into January, but I wish you all the best for your year ahead.  

What ever is in store, I wish you fun & exciting adventures and I thank each and every one of you for your kindness and support during 2024. 

I popped an image into my stories on Instagram this week and you have asked for the recipe so here we go!

Jane’s Two in one Recipe: 

Day 1 -Aubergine & Pepper Parmigiana & Day 2 – Veggie’ Pie

Serves 2

A bestie gave me the new “Food for Life” by Tim Spector and the idea for this recipe was plucked from it.  I wanted to add a few more vegetables to it as just aubergine didn’t rock my world. Here is my version.

Recipe No 1 – Ingredients

  • 1 large aubergine – sliced lengthwise
  • 1 red pepper
  • 1 portobello mushroom
  • Olive Oil
  • Lemon Myrtle seasoning with thyme
  • Freshly ground black pepper
  • 1 medium onion – finely diced
  • 1 400g tin lentils in water
  • 1 400g tin chopped tomatoes
  • 2 cloves garlic (I managed to source some smoked garlic and it worked really well)
  • 1 chilli – finely chopped
  • 150g Parmesan cheese (I used a vegetarian option)
  • 1 ball mozzarella
  • Fresh basil leaves


I roasted the vegetables in advance, to make efficient use of oven space. Always make use of a switched on oven and fill it when you can. This is when planning your menu for the week is a useful habit to adopt


Line a baking sheet or tin with parchment paper.

  • Place onto the paper, the slices of aubergine, the whole pepper and the mushroom.
  • Drizzle them all with some olive oil, sprinkle on the lemon myrtle seasoning and some black pepper.
  • Roast in an at 180’s oven for 25-30 minutes until the aubergine is going a golden brown, the mushroom cooked and the pepper skin charring.
  • When the pepper has cooled a little set aside until you are ready to cook the rest of the recipe.
  • Pop a glug of oil into a deep frying pan/wok and heat.  Fry the onion until translucent.
  • Grate in the garlic and add the lentils and water from the tin, and the tin of tomatoes.  Swill the tomato tin with some  water  (about a quarter) to get any remaining tomato juice out and add to the pan. 
  • Add the chopped chilli and bring to the boil, then simmer for 10 – 15 minutes until the mix starts to thicken. 
  • Meanwhile, slice the pepper and mushroom and lay with the aubergine, in an ovenproof serving dish.
  • Add 25g of the grated parmesan and 20g of basil leaves, into the tomato mix.  Stir and pour over the vegetables.  Shred the mozzarella ball and dot over the surface along with the remaining parmesan.
  • Cook in a preheated oven at 180’c for 30 minutes and cook until the cheese on the surface is bubbling and golden.  Top with more fresh basil leaves.
  • Serve with a fresh green salad on the side.

There will be enough to feed 4 – but I am using the left overs in my second recipe.

Recipe No 2 – Left Over’s Vegie Pie

Recipe No 2 – Ingredients

  • The left-overs from the parmigiana recipe above.
  • ½ sweet potato – peeled and cut into large chunks
  • 2 medium potatoes – washed and cut into large chunks.
  • 25g butter
  • Seasoning
  • Put the potatoes into cold water and bring to the boil and simmer until tender.


Drain and allow any residue steam and moisture to be released from the pan.

Add the butter and allow to melt.  Mash to a creamy texture.

While the mash is being made, slice the remaining aubergine into small slices slices.

Put all of the sauce and vegetables into a pie dish to feed two people.  Top with the mash and level.

Cook in a preheated oven at 180’c until the sauce is bubbling and the potato is going crispy and golden on the top.

I hope you enjoy this recipe and happy eating!

Jane x



I don’t mind admitting that I love the Myrtle’s orange marmalade. It is a recipe that I created for Liberty’s of London for their Christmas range. They no longer offer this range, but the marmalade was SO popular, I continue to make the occasional batch for our website.

The recipe is busy busy!!! It not only contains the traditional Seville oranges, but Clementines and an English Single Malt Whisky which is made in Norfolk.

There is always a BUT….

This is the definition of an “artisan product”, made completely by hand – it is a two day process and brace yourself….. each batch only makes 14 or 15 jars. This is why it is not always available, I think that I would quickly lose my marmalade and also my love for this preserve! It will usually land on the website when I have run out of my own supply!

It’s a Gold Medal Winner at the National Marmalade Awards (so proud!!!) and a Great Taste Award winner. It definitely has all of the credentials.

Scroll back or click below and you will find our recipe for Marmalade Sausages in a past blog that chats about the history of marmalade.

Looking for ideas for what to do with that last bit in the jar?

When I used to do farmers markets, I would often make a selection of pastries and amongst these were my chocolate orange straws. A fabulous breakfast treat!!!

Chocolate Orange Straws

Chocolate Orange Straws

So simple to make and delicious to eat.


2 packs pre rolled puff pastry (butter rich if you can find some)

1 x cup dark chocolate chips

2 tablespoons of orange marmalade

1 egg – beaten


Pre heat your oven to 180’c/350’f

Lay one piece of pastry onto a lightly floured surface. Spread the marmalade over the pastry.

Scatter the chocolate chips evenly over the surface.

Carefully line up – the second piece of pastry with the first and press down to make a sandwich, so that the marmalade glues them together.

Glaze with the egg wash. If the egg is too thick, thin with a little milk.

Cut the pastry into straws – they can be as long or as short as big or as small as you want. I generally get 15 from it.

Have a non stick baking sheet ready to one side. Carefully pick up, twist them and place onto the baking sheet. Repeat with the remainder.

Touch up any spots of pastry that have no egg wash and bake.

They won’t take long. Depending upon the size, they should take about 8-10 minutes. Enjoy!!!

Jane xx


Homemade Baked Beans and Roasted Sausages

Serves 6

Obviously this does not have the scary theme going on, but if you are looking for something to serve up at Halloween or for Bonfire Night, home cooked baked beans are a revelation.

So delicious and easy to make. You can opt to use dried beans and soak them, or you can use pre-soaked and cooked tinned or in jars. This is a great way to use up a surplus of ripe tomatoes. The purist will remove the seeds & skin from the tomato – I blitz the whole tomato in a blender. You can buy ready prepared passata.

I would usually wash and drain the beans but I have chosen to use a brand “The Bold Bean Co” – the beans are set in bean stock, so everything was added to the bean pot. I was however guarded about the amount of salt I added.

This recipe freezes well, so if you don’t need the full quantity, batch freeze. Great for winter lunch boxes!!!

The Bold Bean Company



  • Butchers pork sausages (large) 2 per person.
  • 500g/1lb haricot beans (white beans)
  • 1 onion, peeled and cut into quarters
  • 2 bay leaves
  • heaped teaspoon of dried thyme or a large bunch of fresh
  • 200g /8oz smoked bacon lardons
  • 150ml /6fl oz maple syrup
  • 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
  • 400ml passata – sieved tomato (in the US look for tomato purée)
  • salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • Foodie Notes: For Chilli beans add 2 x finely chopped red chillies


You can bake these beans in the oven at 150’c/300’f/gas 2, but I used the “high” setting on my slow cooker and cooked them for 4 hours.

Tip the beans into the chosen cooking pot – large oven safe pot if using the oven, or the pot of your slow cooker. Add the onion, bay leaves and thyme, the passata (tomato puree), mustard & maple syrup. Scatter the lardons over the top and season with salt and pepper. Swill out your tomato container with 150ml water and add to the pot.

Give the pot contents a gentle stir to combine the ingredients and cook for 4 hours, checking every now and again

If the sauce is cooking down too quickly add more water. When ready the beans should be coated with a lovely thick, but still runny, sauce. Check the seasoning. Leave on the “stay warm” setting of the slow cooker or reduce the temperature of your oven, while you cook the sausages to accompany the beans.

If you have used fresh thyme remove the stalks and the bay leaves before serving.

I serve mine rustic style. The cooked, roasted sausages join the beans in the cooking pot, which is taken to the table, with a pot full of creamy mash or baked potatoes and grated cheddar cheese. Perfect Monster Mash!

Check out our award winning, Lemon Myrtle Seasonings

If you don’t have a pot of our Lemon Myrtle seasoning, hand blended with Thyme, in your spices and herbs draw, here is the link to buy some.


Stipetti Squash Risotto with Spinach and Crispy Sage

Stipetti Squash, makes a wonderfully creamy risotto and I have added Spinach for Iron and crispy sage for texture. Obviously we are in Autumn! We must be, because I am writing recipes for Squash and Marrows!

I know risotto is a bit laborious to make but it is simple and the end result is delicious!  Don’t skip the crispy sage leaves, they add so much flavour and I love the crunch.

A great recipe that is Vegetarian and Gluten Free

Serves 4 people


  • 1 x Stipetti Squash (substitute with another variety – it will be just as delicious)
  • Sprigs of fresh Sage – a handful.
  • Myrtle’s Thyme seasoning or fresh thyme & sea salt
  • Black Pepper
  • Vegetable oil
  • 1 medium onion – finely chopped
  • 250g /10oz Arborio Risotto rice
  • 500ml/1pint vegetable stock
  • 1 ½ teaspoons of dried sage
  • 1 teaspoon dried thyme
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 2 handfuls of spinach
  • 70g/ 3oz vegetarian parmesan cheese – finely grated. Obviously swap for a vegan cheese if a vegan dish is needed).
  • Sage leaves


Roast the squash in advance.  Warning the skin is TOUGH so take care splitting in half lengthwise – remove the seeds and lay flat into a roasting tray.

Sprinkle over a liberal amount of the Myrtle’s seasoning or some sea salt and thyme. A liberal grinding of black pepper.  Drizzle with oil and roast in an oven, either when cooking another meal or at 190’c/370’f   until the flesh is tender.  Allow to cool.  Scoop out the flesh of one of the halves and mash with the back of a fork or masher.  Set to one side. The second half can be removed, bagged and frozen for future use or turned into a soup.

Heat some oil in a deep frying pan add the onion and sweat for about 5 minutes over medium heat, until soft.  Now add the risotto rice.  Turn it in the oil and allow to toast before the next stage. This will take about 3 minutes.

Now slowly and patiently add the stock.  It needs to be added in small quantities to allow the rice to absorb the liquid.  Do not drown the rice.  Stirring, repeat the process.  Depending on the rice you use, you may need to add some additional water.  You will notice the texture altering as you stir, and it will become unctuous and creamy. 

Grate in the cloves of garlic.  Add the herbs and a liberal grating of black pepper.

Stir in the spinach leaves.  Then half of the grated parmesan.  Stir.  Check the seasoning, we haven’t added any additional salt as the stock can sometimes prove to be salty.  Check and if you want to add any more salt and pepper, this is the time to do it.

Lower the heat while you prepare the sage.

Heat some oil (I used olive) in a small saucepan and when hot, add the fresh sage leaves.  (It may spit a little). Fry for a couple of minutes until crispy.  Remove to some absorbent paper.

Plate up the risotto, top with the remaining parmesan and finally the crispy sage leaves.


When ever I need roasted vegetables I always make full use of my oven space! Obviously the cost of energy, be it electricity of gas is not joke these days so I make full use of my oven once it’s on.

In this batch I have also included some butternut squash for a soup and (don’t laugh) some chicken for the dogs!

Where to buy a Stipetti Squash

An independent greengrocers or farmers market is likely have a Stipetti Squash or offer you something that is similar.

I’m on a bit of a mission to become an organic, waste free kitchen so bought mine from Riverford Organics.


Baked Eggs with Bacon Crumble and Parmesan

Two Recipes for you!

Dill & Lemon Myrtle

Baked Eggs were one of the very first things that I was taught to cook at school. In those days (way back yonder) it was called Home Economics!

Shocker alert – I took O’Level Home Economics. Yes I am that old!

I think that is why I am so fond of Baked Eggs and the memories. I love the versatility of the recipe. It is a great fridge raider!

Pancetta Crumb (Bacon Crumble)

What a find this is! Obviously versatile as you can use it on salads, soups main dishes, eggs for breakfast – the list is endless. Scattered over the top of a baked egg it’s delicious adding that salty kick!

In a dry saucepan, fry the pancetta (Parma ham or similar is absolutely fine to use) until dry & crispy. Transfer to absorbent paper and once cold, break down to a fine crumb. A pestle and mortar works a treat. I love using my Ninja Stackable chopper and store in the fridge in an air tight container.

Shout out! This is the perfect dish for your teenagers to eat when they come in starving from school! It may encourage them to start cooking? May be too much to ask to get them washing up though.

Make the pancetta crumb and set to one side. I recommend making extra and storing in the fridge.

Makes 4


4 free range eggs

2 slices of ham

25g/1oz butter

4 x tablespoons thick/double cream

Myrtle’s Kitchen dill seasoning

Freshly ground black pepper

Shavings of parmesan.

Preheat the oven to 200’c/400’f/Gas Mark 6


Divide the butter and coat the insides of the ramekins well with it.  Finely shred the ham and pop some into the base of each ramekin. 

Carefully break the eggs, one into each ramekin and add 1 tablespoon of cream over each egg.  Season with salt and pepper.

Place on a baking sheet and place into the oven.  Check after 6 minutes.  If you like them soft, they may well be ready, leave for a further 3-4 minutes for hard yolks.

When you remove them from the oven, top with shavings of parmesan. The heat will start to soften the cheese.  Sprinkle on some pancetta crumb and serve while hot.

Foodies Notes:

Why not try chopped chives make a tasty topping. 

For a vegetarian option, some cooked asparagus spears in the base of a ramekin, and if you’re vegan substitute the parmesan for an alternative cheese.

Dill & Lemon Myrtle

Lemon Myrtle with Droitwich Brine Salt and Dill

Our GREAT TASTE award winning seasonings are so popular, and one of the most in demand is the one where we hand blend with the herb dill. Perfect for eggs, fish, chicken even popcorn!!!

Find out how you can get your pot of our dill seasoning and learn more about Lemon Myrtle, by hitting the button above.


Give me Lemons – I’ll make lemonade!

Obviously – nothing can beat homemade lemonade when the sunshine finally decides to arrive!

When I used to do some outside catering, my lemonade was always a firm favourite. Fortunately, it is so easy to make and can be changed up by introducing different fruits. I love a raspberry lemonade, but a bit of fresh ginger is lovely!

I posted this picture on social media this week and there was “BIG demand” for the recipes. As promised here it is.

Jane’s Homemade Lemonade

This recipe makes about 1 litre and is definitely on my “must make” list for summer.


4 organic, unwaxed lemons

150g caster sugar

Mint leaves


Slice the lemons and put them all and any escaping juice into a stainless steel saucepan. Add to these 1.2l of water. Pour in the sugar and bring to the boil stirring to dissolve the sugar.

Remove from the heat and leave to infuse for 15/20 minutes. Strain the lemonade through a sieve into a serving jug or a bowl and leave to cool.

Serve with Ice cubes and mint leaves.

Keep any that you may have left, ready to go – chilled in the fridge


Jane x

PS Don’t forget that the BIG PICNIC chutney is being retired soon, it is too expensive to make now and therefore is making a fond farewell. Here is the link to bag your jar or jars!!!


Seared Tuna Steak

I am loving fast food supper but think that I am in danger of getting on peoples nerves!

I am big into eating fish at the moment, fueled by a little bit of a dodgy digestive system. And I am loving it! Probably sharing a few too many recipes and ideas on my Instagram page. Obviously I appreciate that no everyone is into fish but I’m on a mission to convert the Myrtle’s audience as it is FAST FOOD!

One thing that all of the dishes that I have prepared this week have in common, is that they all include our Lemon Myrtle with dill!

Lets not procrastinate – obviously you want to know what i did with it!

The Recipe: Seared Tuna Steak with fresh herbs and chilli kick.

I have created the recipe for 2 people – but only fed myself, so I used the second steak for a salad the following day.


2 fresh tuna steaks


Myrtle’s Lemon Myrtle, Droitwich Brine Salt and Dill

Ground pepper

1 grated clove of garlic

1 x lemon, rind finely grated and juiced

100ml chicken stock (Fresh if you can)

1 x handful of chopped fresh flatleaf parsley

1 x handful of chopped fresh coriander leaf

6 Candied jalapeno peppers chopped (optional for a chilli kick).


This is a speedy meal to prepare, so I make sure that I have everything ready. Even the salad ready on the plate.

Heat a griddle pan or frying pan (medium high heat) with a glug of oil (I used olive).

Season the tuna steaks with the dill seasoning and some black pepper.

Pop the steaks into the pan to sear. The aim is to cook one side with the lovely charred lines from the griddle. Turn and sear the other side. The time will depend upon the thickness of the steak, hopefully the centre of the steak will remain pink. My steaks were thin, about a centimetre – I only needed to fry for about 1 minute per side.

Remove the steaks from the pan and set to one side to rest. Add another glug of oil and the garlic. Followed by the chicken stock, lemon rind and juice, ramp up the heat and reduce the chicken stock by about a third. Add both chopped herbs, chilli if using and then season. Cook for a minute.

Plate up and pour the sauce and herbs over the tuna steaks.

Notes, I served mine with a salad and mashed potato under the steam as I love the way mash mops up all of the juices. It would be equally nice with a hunk of fresh bread.

Useful Links:

Here are some useful links that I think you might find useful.

I can recommend the Cornish Fishmonger for your fish. They always have a fabulous selection and they come promptly to my home. They currently have a 10% off offer for new customers!

I believe this jar of red jalapenos, came my way via a Fabulous Food Finds Box. Katy Truss always find lots of different things to tempt! She dispatches them in a Food Finds box once a quarter and it is a real treat to receive. If you are a foody, I highly recommend.


When the son’s away …..

This week I was “home alone” and obviously this can only mean one thing, I eat absolute everything that I love and that George (my son) hates!

I love lamb and had in my freezer 4 organic small lamb chops. Perfect. My mint patch is going ballistic, I had just made a batch of chicken stock, the stars were definitely aligning.

Afterwards I posted photos’ of the dish created from these ingredients, on Instagram and all seemed quite impressed, so here is the recipe as requested.

Anther of my key ingredient is a seasonal one, Sea Purslane. I sourced mine via Riverford. I love it because It’s a salty tender leaf. If you haven’t got access to any, perhaps substitute with samphire or parsley and chopped capers?

Sea Purslane Sauce with Lamb Chops and Mint Oil.

Serves 2


Mint Oil

2 x generous handfuls of mint. Washed, stalks removed and finely chopped.

Olive Oil

1-2 Teaspoon of Willy’s Apple Cider vinegar

Ground Black Pepper

Myrtle’s Lemon Myrtle Mint seasoning.

For the Sauce

300ml chicken stock

100ml double cream

Ground black pepper

Lemon Myrtle Mint seasoning

Sea purslane leaves – removed from the stalks.

4 lamb chops


Firstly, start by making the mint oil. Place the mint leaves in a food processor or blender with a glug of olive oil. Give a quick wiz to break down the mint and then add more oil until you are happy with the consistency. Fluid but with texture. Now add some black pepper and 1-2 teaspoons of the cider vinegar. Taste until you are happy with the acidity level. Season with ground black pepper and our mint & lemon myrtle seasoning, Add sea salt if you have none. Set to one side.

Heat a glug of olive oil in a deep frying pan on a hob. Take the lamb chops and stand them on their edges in the hot pan – the idea of this is to render off the excess fat and to make the the remaining fat lovely and crispy. They may flop over, so you need some patience. When you are happy with them give the main part of each chop a flash fry on each side, remove from the pan and place on a baking sheet.

Remove the excess rendered fat from the pan – you do not need this, but leave any meat juices.

Add the chicken stock to any meat juices and bring to the boil, reduce down by a third to a half. Now add the cream and bring back to the boil stirring, season with black pepper and the myrtles mint salt.

Meanwhile pop the lamb chops under a pre heated grill to finish cooking – depending upon the size of the chops, this should not take long at all – allow about 5 minutes. Set aside to rest.

When you are ready to serve, pop the sea purslane leaves into the cream sauce and allow them to wilt, which will take a minute.

Finally, place the chops onto a serving platter. Pour over the sauce, then drizzle on the mint oil . Serve with additional oil in a jug on the side and garnish with spare sea purslane leaves.

I served mine with creamy mash and garden peas.

Tap the link to buy your Lemon Myrtle Seasoning

Mint & Lemon Myrtle


Salted Caramel and Thyme Sauce & Vanilla Ice Cream

Obviously it isn’t summer without the occasional ice cream. Actually, now I think about it, it hasn’t been summer yet, but the weather forecast is good and I am getting one step ahead!

One of our best selling lemon myrtle seasonings, is where we have hand blended the myrtle with Droitwich Brine Salt and dried thyme. It is also a Great Taste winner! We think it is one of our most versatile seasonings. We love it in this salted caramel sauce.

Desperate measures – one day I had run out of thyme and substituted with our mint blend! It was equally as delicious but not such an attractive colour. Perfect when over ice cream though! Obviously, we loved the minty hit.

Lemon Myrtle News Flash

On to a bit of rubbish news. We will have to put on our thinking cap, once again. My supplier of lemon myrtle has stopped sourcing it and after much searching I have paid an arm and a leg for two kilo’s to carry me on. I know, it is definitely not going to last long but at nearly £90.00 a kilo and add to that the carriage – YIKES! It may be that there is someone out there that I am yet to find, but please be aware that we may have to make a tough decision with this product, so i recommend grabbing your supply now! I am yet to alter the price although I paying a much higher rate for ingredients We love to rise to a challenge at Myrtles!


Salted Caramel Sauce

125g Unsalted butter

150g Light muscovado sugar

142ml Double cream

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

¼ teaspoon Myrtle’s Seasoning with Thyme

Melt the butter in a small saucepan.  Whisk in the browned sugar until combined.

Simmer for 4-6 minutes whisking occasionally until your sauce becomes a dark amber colour.

Remove from the heat and add the cream , vanilla and Myrtle Seasoning.

Serve hot or cold.

If reheating, do so gradually in a low heat and do not allow to boil.

So good! Please let me know if you try it. I don’t think that you will be disappointed. The ice cream used for this photograph is from Berry’s, Herefordshire. Their link is below and you can buy this seasoning and the browse the other 5 options on our website. Hit the link above for more information.

Jane x


Summer Lentil Salad with Burrata

A delicious salad to serve at summer parties

Burrata is one of my favourite cheeses to serve up, especially during the summer! I’ve been waiting patiently for our British Summer to arrive, and I’ve given up. I’ve found consolation in one of my favourite salads!

If (shock horror) you are not a fan of Burrata, you could use this salad despite, your dislike for fabulous Burrata. As an alternative, and would rather, surround a platter of cured meats with the salad. it works well with smoked meats, like chicken and duck! Another option is to, serve on smaller dinner plates and offer alternatives? Though, that does mean more washing up!

I’ve used the Myrtle’s Oregano seasoning, but I do use the thyme as an alternative.

I really hope you enjoy this salad. Fingers crossed the sunshine will arrive and we can dig out the garden furniture. It has always been an unquestionable hit in my home.

Summer Lentil Salad with Burrata Recipe


Serves 4 -6

1 x large punnet of cherry tomatoes – halved.  (Various colour look lovely)

½ x cucumber – cut into fine pieces

2 x stalks celery – top and tail and finely sliced

1 x Avocado – Peeled, stone removed cut into small chunks

1 x bunch of spring onions, top, tail and remove outer skin if papery, finely sliced on diagonal

4 x tablespoons pomegranate seeds.  (Reserve 1 of the tablespoons for garnish)

250g Cooked green lentils.

50 g Pinenuts – set aside 10 g for garnish

1 large handful of chopped fresh mint

Freshly ground black pepper

Lemon Myrtle, Droitwich Brine Salt and Oregano seasoning.  (Substitute with the thyme blend if preferred)

1 x handful shredded basil leaves for garnish



2 teaspoons cumin seed

2 teaspoons chilli flakes

1 x teaspoon sumac

1 x large juicy lemon, grated rind and juiced

Olive oil


Start by making your dressing, allowing time for it to cool.

Start with a small frying pan, gently toast the cumin seeds and chilli on a low/medium heat for two minutes or until the aroma starts to release.  Add the sumac and 100ml olive oil to the seeds, bring to a gentle simmer and remove from the heat.  Set to one side and allow to infuse. 

Start on the salad.  Add to a large bowl together the tomato, cucumber, celery, avocado, onions, pomegranate, lentils, pine nuts, mint and pepper.  In addition add 2 large pinches of the lemon myrtle seasoning.

Transfer the infused oil into a separate bowl.  Add the lemon juice and peel, a pinch of sugar,  add another 100ml olive oil, mix together.  Keep 2 tablespoons to drizzle over the top of the salad and allow to infuse. 

Start on the salad.  Add to a large bowl tomato, cucumber, celery, avocado, onions, pomegranate, lentils, pine nuts, mint and pepper.  2 large pinches of the lemon myrtle seasoning.

Transfer the infused oil into another bowl.  Now add the lemon juice and peel, a pinch of sugar,  add another 100ml olive oil, mix together.    Season.  Test to check you are happy with the balance.  Keep 2 tablespoons to drizzle over the top of the salad and stir the remaining into the bowl of salad ingredients.

Combine using a large spoon.

On your serving platter, form a nest of salad leaves in the centre. Split the burrata and place in the centre of the nest. Next, spoon the salad around the nest of leaves.

Finally, top with the pine nuts, pomegranate seeds and thirdly the torn basil. 

Finally drizzle the remaining oil over the cheese and leaves and serve delicious, fresh crusty bread.


The tablecloth is actually a runner and you can purchase from “Camperdown Lane”, Herefordshire. I’ve included the link below for you.

The “Delicious” platter is from Daylesford in the Cotswolds, but is available to purchase by mail order. Once again, the link is below.

Finally – I should quickly add these are not sponsored links. They are items that I fell in love with and I think you may to. Daylesford especially is worth a parous They have brilliant and inspirational ideas for table settings.