It’s been great but I’m ready to welcome 2025!
How has it been for you? I seem to have had challenges galore, personal and for Myrtles – but I’m still here and ready to make a fresh year a new opportunity.

2024 – George left for University and is embracing his music career – now playing drums for 2 bands. Obviously I love his enthusiasm and see great things in his future.
Sadly no mega holiday this year, but we did sneak in our annual theatre trip to London when we visited the Kitkat Club to see Cabaret. Goose pimples… amazing, and definitely made my top 3, even if we did have to queue in the rain.
We also found a new front runner for our afternoon tea league table, Sketch. Wow factor!

Welcoming Nugget
Our new, highly entertaining Poochon puppy. Still not too sure how it happened. Millie, my BF English Springer, still is yet to forgive me. Her eyes say it all.

I met some new fabulous new friends on a course I went on for Myrtles. organised by a new soul sister, Belinda, from Branded and Unstoppable.
Living in such a small family, friendship Is one of THE most important things to me. My friends have been and continue to be there for me at the best and the worst of times and I will never be able to find the words to say how much I appreciate them all. Skipping back to the course, I was sat next to a really clever lady, Alexis, a nutritionist who runs The Prior Clinic. She is now helping me so much with a few health issues – highly recommended. I call that serendipity!
Foodies Across the Pond
With my fabulous pal, Lisa in Seattle, US we published a further 52 newsletters full of recipes, hints, tips and chat. Find them all on Substack – there is a mass of fab’ recipes available for you to work from.
Lisa has kindly offered to hold the fort for the next three months, so please support her and enjoy all of her wonderful recipes.
As an L.A Lady she sadly knows many that are being effected by the horrendous wild fires that are raging at the moment. My heart bleeds for all of those living with this spectre and Lisa’s attention is obviously focused on their welfare.
The Future
What does 2025 hold for Myrtles? Unfortunately, I don’t have the answer yet. I’ve made the humongous decision to take some time out for three months. My health and my old croc’ of a back, have taken a bit of a battering in recent years, so this is going to be my priority. To recover. The time will offer the opportunity to plan my goals for 2025.
I love …..
- feeding people
- being creative
- helping & educating
So where I’ll be after months of re evaluating who knows? As soon as I know, you will know! In the meantime, any online orders will be dispatched and I am sure that I will be popping up with the odd recipe or two.
I am a little late into January, but I wish you all the best for your year ahead.
What ever is in store, I wish you fun & exciting adventures and I thank each and every one of you for your kindness and support during 2024.
I popped an image into my stories on Instagram this week and you have asked for the recipe so here we go!
Jane’s Two in one Recipe:
Day 1 -Aubergine & Pepper Parmigiana & Day 2 – Veggie’ Pie

Serves 2
A bestie gave me the new “Food for Life” by Tim Spector and the idea for this recipe was plucked from it. I wanted to add a few more vegetables to it as just aubergine didn’t rock my world. Here is my version.

Recipe No 1 – Ingredients
- 1 large aubergine – sliced lengthwise
- 1 red pepper
- 1 portobello mushroom
- Olive Oil
- Lemon Myrtle seasoning with thyme
- Freshly ground black pepper
- 1 medium onion – finely diced
- 1 400g tin lentils in water
- 1 400g tin chopped tomatoes
- 2 cloves garlic (I managed to source some smoked garlic and it worked really well)
- 1 chilli – finely chopped
- 150g Parmesan cheese (I used a vegetarian option)
- 1 ball mozzarella
- Fresh basil leaves
I roasted the vegetables in advance, to make efficient use of oven space. Always make use of a switched on oven and fill it when you can. This is when planning your menu for the week is a useful habit to adopt
Line a baking sheet or tin with parchment paper.
- Place onto the paper, the slices of aubergine, the whole pepper and the mushroom.
- Drizzle them all with some olive oil, sprinkle on the lemon myrtle seasoning and some black pepper.
- Roast in an at 180’s oven for 25-30 minutes until the aubergine is going a golden brown, the mushroom cooked and the pepper skin charring.
- When the pepper has cooled a little set aside until you are ready to cook the rest of the recipe.
- Pop a glug of oil into a deep frying pan/wok and heat. Fry the onion until translucent.
- Grate in the garlic and add the lentils and water from the tin, and the tin of tomatoes. Swill the tomato tin with some water (about a quarter) to get any remaining tomato juice out and add to the pan.
- Add the chopped chilli and bring to the boil, then simmer for 10 – 15 minutes until the mix starts to thicken.
- Meanwhile, slice the pepper and mushroom and lay with the aubergine, in an ovenproof serving dish.
- Add 25g of the grated parmesan and 20g of basil leaves, into the tomato mix. Stir and pour over the vegetables. Shred the mozzarella ball and dot over the surface along with the remaining parmesan.
- Cook in a preheated oven at 180’c for 30 minutes and cook until the cheese on the surface is bubbling and golden. Top with more fresh basil leaves.
- Serve with a fresh green salad on the side.
There will be enough to feed 4 – but I am using the left overs in my second recipe.
Recipe No 2 – Left Over’s Vegie Pie

Recipe No 2 – Ingredients
- The left-overs from the parmigiana recipe above.
- ½ sweet potato – peeled and cut into large chunks
- 2 medium potatoes – washed and cut into large chunks.
- 25g butter
- Seasoning
- Put the potatoes into cold water and bring to the boil and simmer until tender.
Drain and allow any residue steam and moisture to be released from the pan.
Add the butter and allow to melt. Mash to a creamy texture.
While the mash is being made, slice the remaining aubergine into small slices slices.
Put all of the sauce and vegetables into a pie dish to feed two people. Top with the mash and level.
Cook in a preheated oven at 180’c until the sauce is bubbling and the potato is going crispy and golden on the top.
I hope you enjoy this recipe and happy eating!