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The Foodies Table

New Foodies Book – and amazing give away!

“The Foodies Table” is at the Printers and there is a big incentive to pre – order your copy now.

The Foodies Table is the most recent cookbook that I have written with Lisa, my dear friend who is based in Seattle, USA. I am sure if you are keen follower of Myrtle’s you will know, that I am one half of Foodies Across the Pond. Together we have a Podcast called “Foodie Friends”. A weekly newsletter which we issue (usually) on a Friday from a platform called Substack.

The success of the newsletter, I find quite overwhelming. Thank you. Find the link on our Foodies Across the Pond page on this website or on instagram


The good news for Myrtle devotees, is that I have included in our new cookbook, a couple of Myrtle’s Kitchen recipes.

My Gourmet Sausage Roll recipe makes an appearance. Google “Best Sausage Roll made in Herefordshire” and we are right up there! Thank you professor Google! They are mighty fine sausage rolls and when they make an appearance at food festivals, they always fly out. Delicious.

Also included, is my Philpotts Chilli Jam” recipe. I have a vested interest in including this recipe as I cannot make this chilli jam quick enough for you.

This book is full of ideas for delicious, breakfast, lunch and supper ideas, and even something a little special for dinner parties. Cocktails for toasting friends and family and of course lots of personal snippets from us both.

Our book is available to pre – order, but can I make a suggestion? If you wish to pre-order before Sunday 23rd (midnight), and you hop on and subscribe to the Foodies Across the Pond Newsletter, you will be entered into a fab’ draw.


Subscribers for the free newsletter will be entered into a draw, when you pre order The Foodies Table. The prize is a fantastic hamper which includes ALL of our Lemon Myrtle Seasoning, some of our preserves, also bags, aprons and some addition ingredient which we love including Rustic Puglia Olive Oil..

For subscribers that pay for our newsletter, they will also have a separate opportunity to win a bottle of our Raven English Sparkling Wine and all will receive an e copy of our Christmas Cookbook.

I think that it is a pretty amazing give away!!! You have to have pre-ordered your book by Sunday 23rd July, midnight to be in with a chance of winning either prizes.

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